Employment Opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ’s
General FAQ’s

What is the mission of your NGO?

Our NGO’s mission is to support children who are growing up without a father figure in their lives, by providing them with resources, mentorship, and guidance.

Why did you decide to start this NGO?

We started this NGO because we recognize that children who grow up without a father face unique challenges and often lack the support and guidance they need to navigate these challenges. We want to provide these children with the resources and support they need to thrive.

Who is eligible for your services?

Our services are available to any child who is growing up without a father figure in their life. This includes children who have lost their father, children whose father is absent or incarcerated, and children who have never known their father.

What kinds of services do you offer?

We offer a range of services to support fatherless children, including mentorship programs, counseling services, educational resources, and career guidance. We also organize events and activities to provide children with opportunities to connect with positive role models and peers.

How can I get involved with your NGO?

There are many ways to get involved with our NGO, including volunteering, donating, and spreading the word about our mission. You can learn more about how to get involved on our website or by contacting us directly.

How do you measure the impact of your programs?

We measure the impact of our programs through a variety of metrics, including feedback from participants, changes in behavior or attitudes, and academic or career success. We also track the number of children who participate in our programs and the outcomes they achieve.

Can I refer a child to your NGO?

Yes, we welcome referrals from anyone who knows a child who could benefit from our services. You can refer a child by contacting us directly or by encouraging the child’s family to reach out to us.